Here's a slightly altered picture of Ben; I don't think I'd fool too many of you if I asked for an identification of the subject, so the question is, where was this picture taken? Place your guesses in the comments section.
Last week, we had a rousing good competition as I asked you to identify the four individuals in an obscured photo, which by the way was taken at least ten years ago. It took awhile, but Mom eventually worked out that it was a picture of Scott, Dad, Chris and Matt Powers (the last two were the tough ones apparently). Thanks to all who played and good luck this week!
Elea Calvet - Filthy Lucre (Hyssop & Victoria)
12 hours ago
I'll say Ogunquit Maine.
When were you children ever up in Maine???? But that sure looks like the ocean with all those ships out there. I never saw anything like that on Lake Erie or Ontario!!!My first thought was it might be Puget Sound, looking toward Bremerton, Washington, but I don't remember Ben being out there either. Guess I'll let it go at that. Mom
Mom, I think you were with us in Maine. We traveled east then headed up to Montreal. We stopped at the shrine of the missionaries in central NY.
Actually, my second guess would be Washington state.
Nope, not Maine or Puget Sound. Keep those guesses coming!
Dr. John
How about Buffalo at the Naval Park?
Lil' Sis
Nope, not the Naval Park. One more day to get your guesses in.
Dr. John
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