Friday, September 4, 2009

Friday Family Blogging Quiz

Today's quiz is to identify where the above photo-- with Joseph, Thomas and Ben enjoying an ice cream cone-- was taken. Be as specific as possible. Place your answers in the comments section.

Two weeks ago, I asked you to identify the spot where Dad was shooting some scenic video. It took a little longer than usual, but eventually Sally got it: the picture was taken in Yosemite National Park in California during the trip when Dad and I more or less circumnavigated the country.

Last week, the quiz required you to identify the owner of the feet visible in a picture of Nicky and Natalie. Ben and Raechelle knew they belonged to Sara (Ben's Mom/Raechelle's aunt)-- but Lil Sis (Sara's sister) knew that too, and said it first. Thanks to all who played and good luck with this week's brain teaser!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At the Hatch by the Naval Park by the beach with all the wood {which they cleaned up and now has a nice beach}
