Monday, September 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Lizzie!

My little sister Elizabeth turned [mumble, mumble, mumble] today, and here's hoping she had a great day: big cake, lots of presents, a favorite meal, etc. etc. The above may not be the most recent picture I could've posted, but I think it captures her essential "Lizzie-ness" and may even be one that many reading this had not seen before, or anyway recently. So have a great day Liz, and here's wishing all your days are just as good!


Lil' Sis said...

Thanks Dr John,
This has always been my favorite picture of myself =)
Lil' Sis

Anonymous said...

Happy,Happy Birthday, Lizzy. This picture is also a favorite of mine. But my most favorite is the one of you sitting at the kitchen table with your crayons and coloring know the one. It was so prophetic. I love you, dear and hope all your days are filled with joy. Mom