Saturday, September 5, 2009

Soup Diary 090905

A week ago, I lucked out with some soup at a fast food chain, so I thought I'd try again and see if I could get a streak going. No such luck. I had the Broccoli Cheddar (there it was again-- the other choice was, as usual, chicken noodle) at Quizno's in Bozeman, and while it was a reasonable alternative to fries or chips as accompaniment to my sandwich (roast turkey and swiss ranch, which was also so-so), it wasn't any more memorable. My plan was to go back to the Soup Shack, but found myself hungry on the wrong side of town with limited time before catching a movie. Oh well, next time I'll be sure to budget my time better. I have to add that my soup haven of choice, Fables, sure feels far, far away these days.... I've been to five or six different places in the past few weeks, and I have yet to have an option other than chicken noodle/rice, broccoli, tomato or chili. I guess it's time to pull down the old cook book and make my own destiny, eh?

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