Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Soup Diary 100601

Well this is something of a first. I usually illustrate these diary entries with pictures I find on the world wide web, and occasionally that means the images are not exactly identical to the soups I write about. But today, the picture looks nothing like the stuff I enjoyed at Fables this afternoon, although it purports to be Chicken Artichoke soup. Apparently, this is most commonly served as a creamed or pureed concoction, but the version served at Fables was filled with chunks of chicken, chunks of artichoke hearts, and pretty big chunks of onion and celery too. I found it good, but not great, with the artichokes adding both interesting flavor and texture to the mix. I was a little worried that once I was back in Buffalo, the choices at fables would run to the same varieties I've already tried, but right off the bat, here was something new. so I'm optimistic that I'll have even more different choices over the coming weeks. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Eggplant Bisque will show up again (it was offered over the winter, as posted on the cafe's website), but their track record is so good that I almost cannot be disappointed. Of course, I'll be trying soup at other joints as well, but fables have established themselves as this soup aficionado's home base.

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