Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The State of Talk Radio

I could probably go on at great length about the quality of talk radio, having just spent the better part of three days in the car driving back to Dillon. I just thought I'd pass along a couple of small observations. One, while AM radio in the west is dominated by political (mostly right-wing) talk, in the east, sports talk seems more prevalent. I don't know what to make of this, except that once you pass the Missouri River, there's a dearth of professional sports teams (at least until you get to the coast), so maybe less of an audience for sports talk in the heartland? I don't know. The second thing (kind of related to the first) is that the host who comes across as the most intelligent and entertaining to my ears is Dan Patrick, who brings a whole lot more thoughtfulness and insight to his discussions of baseball, football, basketball, etc. than I have ever heard from Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh on the subject of politics. I'd like to think that at least this segment of the country's political discourse has no way to go but up, but I fear we haven't yet hit bottom.

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