My summer concert-going got off to a rousing start last night when I drove over to Rochester to see Amy Rigby and Wreckless Eric. They played in a nice bistro/bar on the edge of the RIT campus, though the bulk of the modest crowd averaged well over the typical age of college students. It didn't matter-- Amy and Eric put on a good show. I'm a long-time Rigby fan, and know Eric primarily by his classic post-punk standard "Whole Wide World" (done last night in excellent fashion). If I had any complaints about the show, it was that in splitting material (they are husband and wife and function on stage as a duo), Amy's solo stuff only popped up occasionally through the evening; thankfully most of her choices were of the rocking variety and she really threw herself into their performance, especially on "Raising the Bar." Another highlight was their rendition of the Goffin-King, Byrds classic "Goin' Back." This is the third time I've seen her live, and each time she has shared the stage with another performer (Eric last year and Marti Brown a few years before that). As much as I like the work of her partners, I hope someday to see an unabridged Rigby showcase-- she has a deep enough catalog of material to put on a killer show all by herself. But I might've been in the minority in feeling that way last night, as it was clear Eric had a bunch of fans in the audience too. The biggest disappointment wasn't musical, however: I forgot to bring my camera, and therefore have no snaps to share here, only the cover of the couple's new album which I picked up (it just came out Tuesday). If they should show up somewhere near you, I'd definitely recommend checking them out.
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