Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Quote of the Day (Fruits of My Research)

I consider Mort Sahl to be not just a great comedian, but also a highly intelligent commentatator on the American scene (which is a big part of the reason I'm down at UCLA watching old videotape of some of his television appearances). Here's a comment he made in response to a actor Chuck Connors, who asked what Sahl stood for (sorry, I can't bring up a picture on the public-access computer here at the library):

"I think it's incumbent upon everybody who is an artist,
by definition, to give the people the best they have--
for his own sake-- and as a by-product, it will be good
for the community he lives in.... Retain your memory
and protect it; don't accept the double-think in this
country. Remember who you are and what this country
was and watch the drift, see the disparity. Fight the
madness wherever it is."

Hard to believe Sahl was looking at things that way almost 45 years ago! I wish more people had followed this advice back then.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mort Sahl is right - It is very important for everyone to "give the best they have" not only artists. I think Shakespeare said it well when he had old Polonius give his son advice on leaving home. "This above all - to thine own self be true and it follows as the night the day - thou cannot be false to any man."

Or as someone else said - "Oh, what tangled webs we weave when first we practice to deceive."
