Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day Quotes

We're going to double up today, first with a typically philosophical snippet from the German romantic writer Jean Paul (born Johann Paul) Richter (1763-1825):

"The words that a father speaks to his children
in the privacy of home are not heard by the
world, but, as in whispering-galleries, they are
clearly heard at the end and by posterity."

And here's a second, perhaps less lofty but equally pertinent, quote from one of the most feared sluggers in baseball during my younger days, Harmon Killebrew:

"My father used to play with my brother and me
in the yard. Mother would come out and say,
'You're tearing up the grass.'
'We're not raising grass,' Dad would reply.
'We're raising boys.'"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I never heard of Harmon Killebrew, but that sure sounds like your Dad, John. You children and I were everything to him. Once, when I was feeling very blue, he put his arm around me and reminded me of all we had to be happy about. He was always so grateful for our family.....remember how he used to say "Thanks be to God" Mom