I finally got through the first season of
WKRP in Cincinnati on DVD, and
I'm still working on how the various rooms in the station fit together. I'm starting to think the Flem (Phlem?) Building was some kind of futuristic sci-fi edifice, as the placement of windows that we see on-screen suggest a kind of omni-dimensional layout that my 20th century brain (yes, 20th century) can't seem to wrap itself around. But I will post what I have in a day or two, just in case you were waiting.
That's a great floorplan which explains a lot of things, but where you have elevators there are stairs which have a window, and so does just inside the hallway leading away from the receptionists desk...see http://www.hulu.com/watch/323/wkrp-in-cincinnati-preacher for one reference. First 3 minutes. I've been working on this for quite awhile (off and on for years which is how I found your site as I figured SOMEONE must have figured it out) and I must say it was beginning to look a lot like a wormhole must connect unrelated hallways for certain moments in time for it to exist before I saw this.
Note that the bullpen didn't even exist at the very start of the show -- it was added as a way for all the cast to be together in one room. I think that's the main complicator.
This is something that has also vexed me for years. Thank you for your dedication to this. I feel somewhat relieved that I'm not the only person to lose sleep over the insane layout of this radio station. :)
Needs cleaning up and scaling but I think after watching the show for years I may have something
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