Allow me to vent for a moment...
I think I'm beginning to see a least a part of the reason why the country is currently in such crummy economic shape. About six weeks ago, I ordered a new computer from Dell. At the time of the order, they gave me an expected delivery date when I knew my schedule would allow me to be home to sign for the package; in fact, I waited to place the order until the delivery woulf be in that window of opportunity. Within a few days, the expected delivery date was pushed back, but still within the framework where I could be home to take delivery. A few days after that, it was pushed back further, another week, in fact; but again, still in the time-frame when I could be there to receive it. Then it happened again, then again, and by this point I would be back to the morning schedule at school that meant there'd be no one available to sign for the package. I was a little irritated at the delay, but okay, these things happen. I figured I'd just call Dell and ask them to change the delivery address to the school where I teach, where I could pick it up with the rest of my business mail. The supervisor of the mailroom said that was okay with him, so I thought it was set. But when I called Dell to have the address changed, I was told that, for security reasons they could not do that, and instead, once the order was shipped, I'd have to make the change through the carrier. A little frustration, but no big deal... I'd wait until it was shipped. Well, finally, the message came this past Monday that my new computer was on its way. I was informed that the carrier was Federal Express. I decided to wait a couple days to see if it didn't race across the coutry and arrive when I could collect it at home, but that didn't happen, so today I called Fderal Express to see about changing the delivery address to school. I was told that they couldn't do that, for security reasons-- the only way they could make the change was if it came from the sender (Dell), who already told me I had to make the change with the carrier. I guess this is what passes for customer service with these big operations. So, it looks like my computer will arrive tomorrow sometime in Dillon; I'll be at school, about six blocks away, when they ring the doorbell and get no answer; and my computer will get shipped back to Butte (I hope-- the other prospect is Billings, four hours away). I don't mind going to Butte to get it, except that the FedEx terminal in Butte is not open on Saturday, and closes at 4:00 during the week.... when I'm in school. I'll figure something out, but I gotta say, neither Dell nor Federal Express is ringing up any points with me on this transaction.
moonweather - Fall in the Void (self-released)
2 hours ago
Dr John,
Glad you are still alive ;) I was a bit worried when you didn't post anything since noon yesterday till 4 today... must have been waiting for that package (or making tries to arrange a drop off) Usually when they try to deliver a package and you are not there they leave a small post-it with instructions on how to pick it up. I think there would be a number on it so you can make arrangements. Is there anyone you can trust to be there to sign for it... Bill's mom comes to mind or your landlord? I would help if I wasn't 10+ hours away =S
Lil' Sis
Yes, work has been incredibly time-consuming lately (after teaching no classes in Block 3, I'm essentially teaching three in Block 4, because of some independent studies; hence the long delay in getting anything posted yesterday (and it may happen once or twice again over the next couple of weeks).
But I promise to at least get a quote up every day, unless I'm out of town.
Dr, John
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