While in Idaho Falls yesterday, I also went to the local historical museum, which had a special exhibit on artifacts from the Titanic (which will make my nephew Ben very envious, I bet!). It's a traveling show, so if it comes to a spot near you, be sure to check it out. It includes a lot of displays of items that have been retrieved from the wreck at the bottom of the ocean, and it's remarkable both for what remained intact in some cases, and in others the effects of sitting at the bottom of the ocean for 90+ years (in part from the long interaction with salt water and various microorganisms, but also from the incredible pressure at that depth). There were also recreations of some of the staterooms, which looked incredible elegant, and massive photographs of many of the other features of the ship, which really conveyed the sense of size and opulence that of course contribute to the reason why the story continues to interest us. It was a good show, made all the better by stumbling across it unexpectedly when I had some time to enjoy it (the same show was in Las Vegas when I was there last month, but I didn't find out until we were about to leave). There's another point I want to make about the exhibit, but I'll hold off until I get the chance to scan a couple more items I want to make reference to-- so look for a sequel to this post tomorrow or the next day.
Dr John,
We went to a Titanic traveling show about 5 years ago here in Seattle. I understand the pull and amazement as to what survived from the wreck. When we went they handed us a card with a name of a passenger on it (girls for girl- boys for boy) and at the end of the exhibit you were suppose to find your name on the list of survivors/deaths to see if you had made it through... I think at the end only two of us made it and I was surprised when one of them was a 3rd class passenger! Did you get anything like that?
Lil' Sis
Lil Sis,
Yeah-- that's what I was going to write about tomorrow, when I'll post a copy of the card. I wonder how long this exhibit is on tour, and if it'll make it back to the Buffalo area (since I know Ben would really get a kick out of it)?
Dr. John
One question I have about the TITANIC museum is do the have a model of the grandstaircase ? I envy you!!
From ben
They didn't have a model of the grand staircase, but they did have a giant blown-up photograph that they positioned at the head of the stairs leading up to the exhibit, so you get the impression of what it must've been like to go up those steps. They had similar giant wall photos of the first class reading room and one of the dining rooms as well. You would have really liked this exhibit-- maybe it'll come to Buffalo in the near future.
Dr. John
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