Saturday, April 25, 2009

Saturday Morning (er, Evening) Cartoon

A couple weeks back I mentioned that I may have been set on my career as a historian due to my devotion to the TV show Daniel Boone. I'll stand by that statement, but the more I think about it, the more I realize there were a number of other influential factors. Not the least of these was the great cartoon "Improbable History" starring Mr. Peabody and his boy Sherman (which was one of the features in the Rocky and Bullwinkle Show). For example, I'd lay odds that this cartoon, the first episode, introduced me to Benjamin Franklin and his kite:


Anonymous said...

that is so funny and strange

John Hajduk said...

Don't tell me that's the first time you saw Mr. Peabody and Sherman!? Does that mean you've never seen Bullwinkle or Dudley Doright either? If so, we'll have to do something to rectify that situation.
Uncle Dr. John