Friday, July 16, 2010

Friday Family Blogging Quiz

Here's another somewhat older photo, which I have cropped to serve the purpose of this test. The question is, who did I crop out (the owner of the hand on Mom's shoulder)? Put your guesses in the comments section.

Last week, I asked you where a picture of Nik and Helen was taken, and while I received a number of good guesses, no one said Veteran's park (well, actually, Sally said it to me at the restaurant last night, but it wasn't an official submission to the blog, so I'll give her only half credit). Better luck with this week's teaser!


T said...

That looks like it might be brother Nicholas


Lil' Sis said...

I think Nick too =)on his graduation from high school
Lil' Sis

Anonymous said...

See, John, You can't fool us all the time. Sometimes we just get it right. Mom