I know that the real "golden age" of radio was back in the forties when one could tune in to hear great comedy from the likes of Jack Benny and Fred Allen, drama like Suspense, and adventure like I Love a Mystery. But for someone like me, who only discovered that stuff years after the fact, the golden age was the late sixties/early seventies heyday of Top 40 radio, especially as practiced on the mighty WKBW out of Buffalo (a 50,000 watt station whose power meant they got all the big hits first). KB's stable of disc jockeys overflowed with talent and personality, and the music they played wasn't too bad either. I just found this site which has air clips from that era of Jackson Armstrong, Sandy Beach, and Don Berns (and some from a bit earlier by Joey Reynolds and a bit later by Danny Neaverth). The site has lots of other on-air personalities from other towns, but if you go there, just scroll down for the familiar names, and give a listen. Talk about an audio time machine! Really great stuff.
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