I stumbled on this
really nice web-site devoted to the various sports teams of Buffalo, NY (my hometown), and thought I would recommend it here. What's especially great about it, is the amount of attention given to the late lamented Buffalo Braves of the NBA. As a kid, my brother Nick and I were Junior Braves, and went to several games a year. One time, Nick's name was drawn and he got to sit at the scorer's table alongside the voice of the Braves, Van Miller, which included an interview during half-time. Back in those days, the Braves were a fine team with the likes of Randy Smith, Bob McAdoo, Jim McMillan, Gar Heard and Ernie DiGregorio on the roster. The despicable owner John Y. Brown (a kind of bush league Steinbrenner) eventually destroyed the team and they drifted off to San Diego, pretty much ending any interest I had in professional basketball (I'd be hardpressed to even name five current players in the NBA). But it's nice to revisit some of those great memories, and the site also includes lots of stuff on the Sabres, Bills, Bisons and others teams as well. Check it out.
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