I count the
National Treasure movies as guilty pleasures, so no big surprise that I also enjoyed the new
Sorcerer's Apprentice, which was also directed by Jon Turtletaub and stars Nicolas Cage. It's mostly silly, mindless stuff, but generally well told and the actors all seem to take the material seriously enough keep it watchable and occasionally compelling. Jay Baruchel, as the titular apprentice, is a likable actor (I was a big fan of the series he starred in some years back called
Undeclared, a quasi-spin-off of the even better
Freaks and Geeks), and really does more to carry the film than Cage. I honestly don't know if I'll remember much about the plot a couple weeks from now, but I'm pretty sure that I'll recall that I had a good time watching it, which means that, like
National Treasure, I'll probably sit through it a few more times while channel surfing in coming years after it becomes near ubiquitous on some cable station like TBS. And that's about all I have to say on
that topic.
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