As I continue to digitize old photos, I often come across images that, I think, turned out particularly nice. Above is an example, a pretty sunset over a lake where I was camping on one of my cross-country trips. Let's see if I can't prompt some comments by turning this into a little test: where do you think this shot was taken? The only hint I'll give is that I have visited all of the contiguous 48 states at one time or another, and this isn't from Montana. Let's see if anyone can get this!
This reminds me of that lake in Missouri we camped at on that wonderful trip we took Natalie and Ben on back in 2003 or so.
It reminds me of the time we were staying at a motel near Lake Superior on our drive out to Liz's wedding. I have some shots of you John, Sally and Nick wading in some shallow water with the sun setting behind you all. One of my fave pics I took with my Canon.
Good guesses, but neither is correct (Sally is a bit warmer). I'll have to post some pictures from the Canada trip T mentions-- they are in the next album to be digitized.
Dr. John
Dr John,
My guess would be the land of 10,000 lakes (Minnesota) but I would have no clue as to where in the state you were specifically =)
Lil' Sis
Dr John,
ooops sorry- guess my brain is not working well and I misread Sally's and T's comments so after rereading them I realize I am in the league of T and closer to Lake Superior. So if I think about it I would guess you were in Kansas somewhere close to the Royals playground =)
Lil' Sis
Something about this picture reminds me of the peninsula in Erie, looking toward Lake Erie. Mom
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