Someone here is making a point, but I've distorted the image by passing it through a couple Photoshop filters. Let's see some guesses-- no, let's see a lot of guesses!-- on who this budding orator is. You can put those guesses in the comments section.
Last week, I asked whose lips were lingering behind
Nik's head, and Mom correctly identified them as Natalie's. I kind of had to give you an easy one after stumping the team the previous two weeks. Let's see if anyone can nail this week's question!
Dr John,
I would say that looks a lot like Raechelle when she was younger.
Lil' Sis
im going to say emma. no photoshop filter can stop me :)
I hate to be right two weeks in a row but I think this is Maria.
C'mon, I said I want to see a lot of guesses! Where's everybody else?
Dr. John
In case my last note was a little cryptic-- no one has given the correct answer yet.
Dr. John
I'm pretty sure I've seen this picture before... and I think it's me!
i say natalie
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