Sunday, December 27, 2009

Soup Diary 091227

I really like eating at Greek restaurants, because no matter what else is or isn't on the menu you can generally get a cheap and tasty chicken souvlaki. The downside is that most of the Greek places I frequent (they are all over the place in Buffalo and environs) have a pretty limited selection of soups, rarely straying beyond a couple of staples. One of those staples is Avgolemono, a lemon flavored chicken and rice, and too often (for my taste) it's too tart. Not so much the cup I had at a place called Kostas a couple days ago; in fact, their version could've almost passed for a dessert, as the consistency and flavor called to mind a warm lemon pudding. The downside was that there was no chicken to be found, but all things considered, I think I'd make that trade-off. It was nice and hot, creamy and flavorful, and frankly better than I expected. It still won't be my first choice if there are other options, but at least at Kostas I'll order it again without that feeling of settling for something I'm not really fond of.

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