Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sunday Funnies

I actually never heard of the strip featured here today, Lala Palooza, before I stumbled upon it at the I Love Comix Archive. This is odd to me because it is the creation of the great Rube Goldberg, and I've read a couple of books about him (not to mention all the copious attention he gets in general histories of early newspaper strips). Boob McNutt, Foolish Questions, Mike and Ike (They Look Alike), and of course his great series of weird inventions were all familiar to me. I can only guess that Lala came along later and either didn't last very long (Goldberg clearly was always coming up with fresh ideas), or just didn't get into too many papers. Anyway, here are a few examples that I think exhibit some nostalgic charm, and you can find more at the link to the Comix Archive above.

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