Friday, January 29, 2010

Soup Diary 100129

I've eaten out several times this week, at different restaurants around town as we've been entertaining a visitor (an outside reviewer evaluating our program at the University). Only once though have I had soup, because I know the less-than-scintillating quality of what's available at the other two places. Now I can add the third place to the roll call of mediocrity. The soup I had there was a beef noodle, which, believe me, was not as robust as the stock picture above implies. It was salty and the noodles were over-cooked; and even though there were some big chunks of tender beef, it had no flavor to speak of at all. I'm really on a bit of losing streak, vis-a-vis soup, and starting to wonder when things will start to turn around. I'll be in Bozeman tomorrow; maybe I'll get lucky there.

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