All this snow and cold makes me very nostalgic for last summer, when the days were long, the grass was green, and you could sit on the front stoop and wonder if that iguana was ever going to come down.

Boy, could I go for a good old-fashioned game of kickball in the backyard!

Is there a winter equivalent for this kind of leisurely activity?
Dr John,
You ask for an equivalent to the summer splendor of relaxing in the yard and kick ball. I have a couple of suggestions: How about sledding, being able to find that perfect hill where you slide down and get that frozen smile on your face. Then (for those able to balance well) there is ice skating, gliding over the smoothness of the cool ice. Finally, when there is enough snow, building snowmen (creatures, forts whatever) with your family and friends. Snowball fights tend to follow and those still up and laughing tend to go home happy and content
Lil' Sis
PS those are great "warm" pictures when you are freezing in the cold weather =)
Now that we've gotten some snow here, with more on the way, John will find himself having more outside activity than he probably wants. That is if Helen gets her way - and she usually does. She had Dan outside yesterday for several hour making snow men and building a fort. I stayed inside toasty warm ;)
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