I only got a couple or responses to
my request for favorites in the big game, and the mini-consensus is to pull for the Steelers. I'm going to go way out on a limb and make this prediction (based on my close analysis of the past several Super Bowls): the first half will be an almost total yawn, with no more than 13 total points scored, and even the hot new commercials will be a disappointment. After that, who knows? Deep down, I think I'd rather see the Steelers win and set a record for Super Bowl victories than see a pretty clearly inferior team claim a championship. But I have to admit, if the Cardinals do play well enough to win, their's would be the more dramatic story-line (plus, it would make Tom happy to see them win-- so that'd be alright with me). Considering that I'm a fairly big sports fan, I'm actually pretty ambivalent about the whole thing; and truth be told, I can't imagine the football game generating as much drama as the
men's final in the Australian Open earlier today.
So much for a sleeper 1st quarter - what a first drive. I hated to see pitt. to do so well but it was well executed. I'm glad Arizona listened to me and reviewed the play.
Tom (5 min. into the game)
The commercials are a disappointment, though
Glad to have you as a correspondent, as I'm at the station getting ready to do my show, and no TV here (just internet). I left the house with Pitt having just scored a TD-- what happened on the review? Knees down before he broke the plane?
Dr. John
Yes his right knee was down and I saw it clear as day on a fuzzy tv ( the HD box doesn't bring in channel 2)They replayed the down and got a field goal
Boy the game seems to be moving along pretty briskly-- already down to 10 minutes in the half. It looks like my prediction of no more than 13 points in the first half may hold up.
Dr. John
8 minutes left to go, 10 - 7 Pitt
That looks like more than 13 points!
Shoot! It suggests it might end up being an entertaining half too (oh well-- better for those of you actually watching)
Dr. John
It was an exciting half (17-7) longest play in Super Bowl history; interception returned 100 yds; and sideline entertainment at Rosiek household as Tom allows, nay insists, for Ben to near his hair with a pair of scissors. That will definitely never happen again!
I wish I was there! My only concern is that if the first half is this entertaining, what will the second half look like (since that's the part of the game I'll actually get to see)? Tell Ben Uncle John says he's due for a haircut-- but not too short.
Dr. John
Ben did OK, Tom's head is still on his shoulders, though there's something of a hole on the right side
Ben got his hair cut a couple of weeks ago;he let Mom cut it then had to be taken to the professionals before going back to school.
the second half should be good. We're expeting good things from Arizona
Wait, so it was Tom that got sheared? I misunderstood the previous note. Asking Ben to do it took some guts (maybe more than trying to drive through the middle of the Steelers front four);-) So where is Natalie while all this is going on?
Dr. (Uncle) John
Natalie videoed the procedings as long as she could stand it, then grabbed the scissors and tried (unsuccessfully) to salvage Dad's appearance. Mom finally stepped in and now Tom can actually be seen in public. Tom wants the record to show that he doesn't care.
Sounds like the barbering is at least as entertaining as the game. I should be home in about 20 minutes (9:10 your time), and I'll give you a call to get the full play-by-play with color commentary.
Dr. John
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