I believe this is from Thanksgiving time in 1999, but then I've been wrong on guessing dates before (maybe Catie can say for sure). Gee, Maria doesn't look all that different today, does she? Just kidding. I suspect she's long outgrown sitting in box lids.
Dr John,
You really need to look closer at the pictures you post. There is tinsel on the floor and garland on the couch so I really don't think it is Thanksgiving. Catie and Scott, I believe, have never decorated for Christmas during the Thanksgiving holiday (if you want to correct me on that Catie go right ahead). I think I would be concerned about what Maria is placing in her mouth though =)
Lil' Sis
Hi Lil Sis,
No, this time I'm certain. There were a couple of years there when the Bannings put up their Christmas tree when I was there for Thanksgiving (that is, the day after). It's been awhile since they did that, but that was what was going on here, accounting for the tinsel, etc. The box Maria is sitting in probably held some of the decorations.
Dr. John
John is correct, the children loved getting that tree up, we use a fake one of course. Maria still enjoys sitting in boxes as does Joseph. You can't see it too much when Maria is small but boy she really resembles Natalie lately. Thanks
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