I can't really think of anything to write about today (no time to continue the Baseball Stadium series), so I thought I'd bide my time with a picture of Natalie. If anyone can guess the connection between this picture to some other regular element of the blog, I'd be really impressed ;-)
Dr John,
Why I believe this photo was taken the same day as a previous family blog quiz of where she and Sara were while Sara was working on her hair. It looks like the hair has been taken care of =)(In front of the Roosevelt inauguration house) Is this what you mean?
Lil' Sis
My Goodness, I sure have pretty grand daughters, God BlessThem All.
Lil Sis,
That's a good guess (and accurate in that it is from that day and spot), but the key word in the question is "regular." Try again.
Dr. John
Dr John,
Well the only other possible "regular" feature I can think this may apply to is that most of your philosophy "Words of Wisdom" have a photo, engraving, painting of a head shot of the philosophizing genius. Where it does not apply to this feature is that there is is no words of wisdom to follow her photo. How is that? Am I getting closer?
Lil' Sis
Lil sis,
Not really-- it's not so much a regular "feature" as a regular "element" or component. Look very closely, and I think you'll figure it out.
Dr. John
Could it be that it was taken at the Allentown Arts Festival and that connects to the art (words and pictures) that you share?
Sally, et. al.
You're overthinking this. Here's a hint: ---------------------------->
Dr. John
Ok Dr John,
I get it now - Natalie is sitting in approx the same location as your default picture for this blog- Is this it?
Lil' Sis
Lil Sis,
Well, I guess that's close enough-- they are actually two halves of the same picture (you can see Natalie's shoulder in the bottom left of my photo). I edited it to post with my profile, then thought I might share the other half (which is prettier ;-)
Dr. John
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