Friday, August 19, 2011

More Friday Family Blogging

It's pretty well-established that I'm really bad at identifying where old pictures were taken, so maybe Catie or Theresa will remember this shot with Dad? I don't recognize the couch at all, but I think Gramma had a lamp like the one at left.


Anonymous said...

I think this might be Grandma's. Didn't she have that ottoman too? I was in 6th grade in this picture and Theresa looks so darn cute here. Great picture of Dad, he looks so young.

Anonymous said...

It was at Gramma's. The frame above your heads was a shallow opening in the wall, I believe.

T said...

I agree it was Gandma's couch/house. Why in the world was I wearing that dress??
It was from a school play, and I believe it must have been for the bicentennial. Cate, you had a dress like that too - why didn't you wear yours? (lol)

Anonymous said...

I made those costumes for the school play,and you both looked so darn cute in them. Yeah, Cate, Why didn't you wear yours?? and I can't believe you forgot that couch at Gramma's house, John. Mom

Anonymous said...

The dress I am wearing Mom made me too. It was in my school picture. I didn't were the centennial dress cause I was cool back then!