It's been awhile since I posted a soup diary entry, but that doesn't mean I haven't been eating soup. No, it just means that I haven't had anything new and different in awhile (mostly enjoying the occasional cup of Pacific organic roasted red pepper and tomato, my favorite packaged soup). But yesterday I got a little ambitious (emphasis on "little") and whipped up a pot fo chicken and stars soup. It's basically the same homemade chicken soup I make every few months, but I used stelline pasta for a bit of a switch (usually I go with orzo). It turned out pretty good, but I need to start experimenting to see if I can't develop a knack for something more adventurous. Maybe I'll take a crack at some kind of peanut soup, or maybe sweet potato, two of my faves from Fables. I'm just a little intimidated trying to match the concoctions of their chefs, but it would do me good to get more creative, so maybe this weekend I'll take the plunge. Keep your eyes on this blog for details of my efforts as they develop.
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