My friend Bill found a stray cat a few days ago and while he tries to find it a permanent home, he asked me to take care of it. I agreed, mostly because I spotted a mouse a few days ago and I figured she'd catch him or scare him away. But it hasn't been easy, as it turns out I'm allergic to the little gal. Naturally, I don't know her name, but I've been calling her Marlowe after the cat owned by Elliott Gould in
The Long Goodbye, mainly because she's always hungry, just like her movie counterpart. She's very affectionate, but every time I pet her, or let her climb up on my lap, I end up with puffy eyes, sneezes, and itchy hands, so this won't be a long-term relationship. If any one reading this lives in or near Dillon and would like a nice cat, let me know.
Did she catch the mouse???
No, but she might have scared him away. I think he got in through the basement (which has a separate door to the outside), and there's been so sign of him since that one sighting, nor have any of the traps I set after the sighting been sprung. So I'm guessing he hustled out by whatever route he snuck in.
Dr. John
would you be willing to bring the cat with you on your Thanksgiving trip? Marenka may take her - she is consulting, as we speak, with her roommates ....
Lil' Sis
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