Friday, January 16, 2009
Friday Family Blogging
Let's go way back for this one. I believe this is from Thanksgiving of 1957, although I could be wrong. I think I know everyone here with one, maybe two exceptions. This isn't the weekly quiz (that's coming up a little later), but I'd like to know who the toddler is in the high chair at lower left (cousin Brian?) . If you know, put the answer into the comments.
Also, if anyone has any memories to share about this or any other family gathering, by all means toss that in too.
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Dr John,
Looking at the picture I would disagree with you about it being Thanksgiving. I think it would actually be Easter (the cake has bunnies around it and jelly beans on the top- possibly even coconut). As for who is sitting in the high chair it could be Brian but where is Sara (weren't they born within a few months of each other?) At first I thought mom was holding Sara but the baby in arms and in high chair are definitely more than a few months apart. So I would guess that she is holding you (aawww so cute)which would then put the photo around '59. The other kids are Uncle Chuck and Aunt Claire's (Kevin, Greg, Anne Marie). Maybe (by the look on dad's face) Sara is causing all sorts of trouble around Uncle Frank (who I am assuming is taking the picture). How is that for an analysis =)
Lil' Sis
Lil Sis,
Yes, I'm sure you're right about it being Easter (I should've looked more closely). I thought it might be from '59, except for the absence of Sally, Jeff, and Shawn (all a little older than me). But you're right, if the kid in the high chair is Brian, that really can't be Sally in Mom's arms. Also, I wondered if Uncle Dick might've taken the picture (but then, where is Uncle Frank). Lots of little mysteries on this one. Anyone else have any ideas? Mom?
Dr. John
Well if Sally Jeff and Shawn are older than you maybe they are off playing with the toys grandma had around. I was thinking maybe Vincent in the chair, I was getting confused on the ages of Aunt Pat and Uncle Franks children in relation to our family. Oh well it's great to look at the picture!
I do believe that Vincent was born the same year as Debbie, Sharon, and myself (will not divulge the year to protect the innocent)so he would not be there. I don't know about Jeff (can't remember where he fell in the family order)Mom could also be holding a niece or nephew, but who else has been born around Easter in the late 50's.
Now if you look in the mirror at the end of the table you can see the photographer- looks a bit chunkier the Uncle Dick ever got ;)
Lil' Sis
Ahh, Children ! I should wait till everyone else chedks in with their guesses but I will set the record straight. How well I remember that Easter.
We have Aunt Pat with Anne Marie peeking around her. Jeff is in the high chair, and Greg is behind her. I am holding you, John.(Lil Sis is right - you are a cutie pie)
Your Dad is not happy - he thought Uncle Chuck was nuts to talk me into bringing the new baby to Titusville for Easter which was early that year. You were only about three weeks old, John. And on the way down home, the thruway was closed and we all got stuck in Silver Creek for several hours.
Next to Dad is Kevin, Gramma, Aunt Helen, Uncle Mel, Aunt Patty, Aunt Claire, and Uncle Chuck.
Uncle Frank is taking the picture - Uncle Dick wasn't there. What a memory - your Dad never let me forget how foolish it was to take the new baby on such a trip. Mom
Mom, so where were Sally,Brian and Shawn? Playing with Gramma's toys?
Lil' Sis
In March, 1959 the children's ages were:
Kevin 8
Greg 5
Anne 3
Brian 18 Months
Sally 16 Months
Shawn 13 Months
Jeff 6 Months
John 3 Weeks
My guess is that the babies were napping - Maybe that is Brian in the high chair.
By the way - notice the china that is on the table. That is Mother's hand painted set that Aunt Marcella gave her for a wedding present. I don't remember ever using it - but there it is.
Cousin Bobbie has it now and enjoys the tradition bu using it for holidays. Mom
Given all the new info, I'm pretty much convinced that the kid in the high chair is Brian, and that the missing young'uns are napping or playing off-camera (though it seems a little odd that Brian would be at the table and not Sally).
Dr. John
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