Friday, November 27, 2009

Friday Family Blogging Quiz

The above picture was taken on someone's birthday... whose? Also, for bonus points, what birthday was it (year) and what was the main present for that person? Put your guesses in the comments section.

Last week, I asked you to identify the subject of an altered photo. The correct answer was Maria, which Natalie was the first to guess (Catie and Thomas also knew it was Maria). Sally correctly identified the place as the family reunion back in 2008, and Lizzie got the balloons part, so just about all the players got something right. Thanks to all who played!


Anonymous said...

Well, John, since everyone looks so pensive - except you - I am guessing it was your 9th birthday.....let's see.....that would make it March 2, 1968.

Anonymous said...

if that's the right birthday, then I guess the present was a guitar.

But the clothes seem too light for March, so I thought the birthday was Theresa's, but drew a blank on the present

Anonymous said...

I do believe that was the year you got a that why you look so smug?