Here's a new wrinkle on the weekly quizzes: I've photoshopped the above photo to make it somewhat less distinct. Who do you think it is, what is that person doing, and where was he/she doing it? Partial credit is available if you only get one or two parts correct. Place your guesses in the comments section.
Last week I asked who a set of eyes belonged to. For some reason, mothers seem to do really well on these quizzes and so no surprise that Catie was the first to correctly identify her youngest, Joseph (the Rosieks were unanymous in corroboration). Thanks to all who played and good luck with this week's puzzler!
flipturn – Burnout Days (Dualtone)
2 hours ago
Natalie- holding balloons to her eyes (no idea where though)
Lil' Sis
I agree it's Natalie's smile. I think the location was the family reunion in PA a couple years ago.The kids were making and throwing water balloons.
I know it's maria at the family reunion.
My first thought was Nikolaus at the 4th of July we had with all the cousins, when they were throwing water balloons off the back porch.
i agree with mom
You know I think it is Maria as well, Also she looks so much like Natalie at times it could be Natalie.
It's Maria.
Nice try, but the rest of you are wrong.
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