A couple weeks back I spent a few days at the Pennsic Wars in western Pennsylvania, an annual gathering of folks associated with the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA). Over ten thousand people transformed the Cooper's Lake campsite into a temporary medieval village, complete with castles, knights, merchants, and a whole bunch of classes related to the crafts, history, and lore of the Middle Ages.
I was there as the guest of Dan and Theresa, who are veterans of the annual event. I was able to wander around and get a lot of pictures-- these few just scratch the surface. I believe the guy above was some kind of royal personage, preparing to participate in the opening ceremony.
There were also wandering musicians like the guy above. In addition there were stage plays, concerts, dances, and some pretty nice parties in the evening after the battles earlier in the day (matching armies of a thousand or so apiece against one another).
At one such party there was a troupe of fire eaters, fire jugglers, and fire dancers. The guy above did all of that stuff.
Everybody seemed to get into the spirit of the event, some moreso than others. I think the entertainers were the highlight for me, though the fighters were pretty good too.
And then you'd also just see people in interesting get-ups wandering around the campsite. I'll post more pictures as I get a chance to review all those I took.
flipturn – Burnout Days (Dualtone)
2 hours ago
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