Friday, February 3, 2012

Soup Diary 120203

A couple of places have opened recently in Dillon that are advertising homemade soups, and I finally got a chance to sample one this week (on each of a couple of earlier visits, they'd already run out by the time I got there-- a good sign?). The special board listed Tortilla Soup, and I just ordered a cup of soup expecting to get that variety, but in fact it turned out to be a Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato. I don't know if they ran out of the Tortilla or just forgot to change the sign from the previous day, but that was a mild disappointment. I really like Roasted Red Pepper soup, but I have it kind of often, so I was looking forward to something a bit different. As it was, the soup in hand was okay, but a bit acidic (always a danger with this variety). A swirl of sour cream or a few shreds of mild cheese might've cut that bite a bit, but alas the cup was unadorned by extras. I'll likely go back a few times to try other varieties, and also stop by the other place too next week. As I'm on sabbatical, I kind of like the idea of working for a few hours in the morning, then taking a walk to get the blood flowing again. Both places are just a few blocks from my house, so I'm anticipating stopping for soup at least two or three times a week before heading back for an afternoon of writing. Of course, that plan is dependent on the soup proving to be consistently a cut above that first cup, but I'll be sure to give each place a good chance to prove themselves worthy of my business.

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