Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Quote of the Day

I suppose it would've been slightly more appropriate to post this yesterday, but certainly the message is valid on any day of the year. This is what Martin Luther King Jr. said to explain his opposition to the Vietnam War, but it applies to many other situations as well:

"On some positions, cowardice asks the question, ‘Is it
safe?’ Expediency asks the question, ‘Is it politic?’ Vanity
asks the question, ‘Is it popular?’ But conscience asks the
question, ‘Is it right?’ And there comes a time when a true
follower of Jesus Christ must take a stand that’s neither
safe nor politic nor popular but he must take that stand
because it is right. Every now and then we sing about it,
‘If you are right, God will fight your battle.’ I’m going
to stick by the best during these evil times.”

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