Thursday, December 10, 2009

Thursday's Thought for the Day

Here's a portion of the Great Society speech made by Lyndon Johnson back in 1964. I, for one, think these principles are still worthy of pursuit, even if we didn't accomplish all this implies on the first go-around:

"Your imagination, your initiative, and your indignation
will determine whether we build a society where
progress is the servant of our needs, or a society
where old values and new visions are buried under
unbridled growth. For in your time we have the
opportunity to move not only toward the rich
society and the powerful society, but upward to
the Great Society. The Great Society rests on
abundance and liberty for all. It demands an end
to poverty and racial injustice, to which we are
totally committed in out time. But that is just the
beginning. The Great Society is a place where every
child can find knowledge to enrich his mind and to
enlarge his talents. It is a place where leisure is a
welcome chance to build and reflect, not a feared
cause of boredom and restlessness. It is a place
where the city of man serves not only the needs of
the body and the demands of commerce but the
desire for beauty and the hunger for community.
It is a place where man can renew contact with
nature. It is a place which honors creation for its
own sake and for what is adds to the understanding
of the race. It is a place where men are more concerned
with the quality of their goals than the quantity of their
goods. But most of all, the Great Society is not a safe
harbor, a resting place, a final objective, a finished work.
It is a challenge constantly renewed, beckoning us
toward a destiny where the meaning of our lives
matches the marvelous products of our labor."

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