Friday, June 12, 2009

Friday Family Blogging (Three Uncles Plus One)

I'm continuing to mine my Mom's collection of photos while I'm home visiting. I thought you might enjoy seeing some pictures of my three maternal uncles and great uncle. First up, Great Uncle Walt with his daughter Ida Mae:

My Uncle Chuck served in the Navy during World War II, and this appears to be a shot with him flanked by a couple of his shipmates:

It appears from the photographic evidence that Uncle Dick was quite the outdoorsman in his youth, though when you get the other guy to do the rowing that's probably not such a rigorour lifestyle ;-)

My Mom likes to tell stories about how Uncle Frank was kind of a rascal, but you'd never guess it looking at this fresh-scrubbed youngster, would you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He WAS a rascal! Red hair and freckles. I remember once your uncle Chuck, who was about 10 years older than Francis, got into a fight with some of his friends, and Francis tore right into the melee to help his big brother. They both came home rather the worse for wear and Chuck was in awe of Francis bravery - tackling all those big boys. Mom