Here are a couple of random photos, from back around Christmas time. First, Helen showing off her skills on the Natalie apparatus:
I think I must've inadvertently shut off the flash for this one, but I like the effect-- it kind of looks like a star chamber session or a meeting of the heads of the "family" (if you get my drift), though the smiles kind of wreck that effect:
Anyone know what game that is? I thought it was Apples to Apples, but on closer look it appears to be something else. (See-- if I end the post with a question, I'm expecting to see some comments; and if I don't, I'll have to take it up with the heads of the "family").
Awaiting Abigail - Bad Mind (Always Indie! Records)
14 hours ago
I think we were playing a new game similar to Apples to Apples, but actually matching t-shirt slogans to a articular picture
Yeah it's called the T-shirt game.
Okay, I remember it now. Seems to me we had some fun playing that one.
Dr. John
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